pussy empowered

9 Elements of Pussy Power by alyssa aparicio

Pussy Empowered:

An intersectional, wholistic approach to empowerment integrating mind, body, spirit & emotion.

Sex & sex worker positive.

From inner truth —> physical activation —> to embodied expression.

It’s not just theory, it’s practical, tangible application to your everyday life.

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9 Elements of Pussy Power:

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Curious to learn more?

Tune into my explanation of these areas of exploration via Pussy Empowered Podcast Episode 2:

9 Elements of Pussy Power

Are you wondering, WTF is Pussy Power Anyway?

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Strip Down, Rise Up : From the Perspective of a Stripper on Set by alyssa aparicio

Today marks the release of Strip Down, Rise Up, the Netflix Documentary about the empowering impacts of pole dance. I participated in the filming as part of a class in a modality called S Factor. Upon watching the trailer when it was released a few weeks back, unresolved thoughts and feelings about my experience during filming rose to the surface once again.

On of my main points of discomfort is in the fact that the trailer entirely omitted stripping from an implied complete conversation on those who interact with the pole.

This was a reflection of the experience I had while working as a professional stripper at the time of filming. I felt deeply unseen and out of alignment in a classroom where the context of history, race, class was never addressed in regards to pole. Nor was education or advocacy on this topic ever on the table.

I am currently in the process of digesting and sharing about this experience. Hear my thoughts below:

Harness the power of Your Cycle: A Reading List by alyssa aparicio

Do you realize the power inherent in your cycle? Are you in tune with that power on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?

If your answer to either of these questions is no, it is NOT your fault. Our education system and society at large has failed us. In fact they have lied to us, implying and outright telling us that our cycles signify weakness, that we are fragile creatures, that we are lesser than. We get the message that suffering just comes with the territory of being a woman.

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The Launch of (My) Pussy Empowered Dance Class by alyssa aparicio

Teaching a Pussy Empowered Dance Class has been a desire of mine for years or maybe my whole lifetime. At the start of 2019 the intention that surfaced was “GOING FOR IT”. I set out to finally and truly commit to the creative visions that have been tugging at my mind, body and soul for ages. There have been many things in the way just as there has been nothing in the way but myself.

One day at the end of January, I felt a wave of frustration come over me as I saw myself putting these visions second in favor of the more immediately rewarding commitments that were simply not nourishing in the long term. I stopped in my tracks and burned with a need to embody my frustration and my commitment to moving past these limiting beliefs and actions of habit. This is what I created from that moment:

The movement and moment that led to my announcement decision to launch Pussy Empowered

So just like that I sat down, decided upon dates, booked studio space and announced my new class. What has unfolded from there has been immensely satisfying. The first class under the Dark Moon was an expression of SHOWING UP, TAKING UP SPACE and CLAIMING OUR BODIES. We danced to “Givin’ Em What They Love” by Janelle Monáe and Prince. You can see the choreography I taught here. During and after class I felt exhilarated, alive, and totally in alignment with my purpose.

Our next class under the Full Moon was dedicated to setting boundaries in support of our Deepest Desires. We played with Isis Wings, we practiced the expression of our yearning for our desires, and our surrender to them. Then we embodied Cardi B’s fiery and no f*cks given attitude expressing:

“I do, what I like. I do, I do.”

Week 2 Choreography featuring Merema Ahmed. Song: “I Do” by Cardi B and SZA

I am so thrilled to continue with this experimental bi-monthly class and I truly can’t wait to witness the flourishing of these incredible womxn who continue to SHOW UP and bring their full presence, courage, and the full spectrum and truth of their emotions. I am so thrilled and honored to receive such beautiful feedback as this:

Alyssa’s pussy empowerment class is exactly what I need in my life right now. I am a mother of two, but have been a singer/songwriter/performer for 20 years now. I have always struggled with my sexuality in my art and what I wanted to share with the world. Before I walked into her space/class, I felt like I had lost something, like my confidence was gone, but as soon as she began welcoming us into the class (starting it all off with meditation and sharing amongst the sisters in a circle), I knew I was in a safe place. I knew she was going to walk us through reclaiming our “sexy,” our confidence, and our sacred sisterhood. Her choreography is something I will use on stage and in the bedroom with my husband. I cannot wait for our next class! She gives us so much more then dance....she reminds us of our incredible feminine power!
— Dena K

Wow these words bring chills to my body and tears to my eyes as I feel 1000% confident that I am simply in the right place at the right time, finally allowing my visions to move through me with trust in the process. Thank you for being a part of my journey thus far and so looking forward to sharing what’s next!

If you so desire to fan the flames of your feminine fire in my next Pussy Empowered Dance class, the dates for the next two classes are Wednesday March 13th and Wednesday March 20th at West Coast Dance Theatre in North Hollywood.

I look so much forward to proclaiming Pussy Power with you soon!
