During uncertain times like these, I am so grateful for the practices that keep me grounded, optimistic and in my power. I want to share some of the ritual and teachers that I have been surrendering to this week and beyond to keep me rooted. This post includes both free and paid offerings, all digital. All offered by world changing women. (My own offerings are sprinkled throughout also) In no particular order…
Grounding in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. From our series Flash the Abyss
Commitment to Pleasure led by Mama Gena
Mama Gena is a revolutionary leader in empowered femininity. I’ve studied her work and taken her courses for years now and I’m so grateful for her leadership. She’s going live everyday this week at 4pm on Facebook.
Breathwork/ Embodiment Practice led by Alexandra Roxo
Alexandra is an embodiment & spiritual coach, artist and one of my biggest inspirations around what radiant feminine leadership can look like. I am currently enrolled in her year long Initiation program and have just completed 40 days of this embodiment practice. It has been an incredibly grounding, healing practice that has allowed me to move through and with any emotions and situations arising. She has an audio download of this practice available for just $11.
Emotional Freedom Technique led by Gala Darling
Gala Darling is a walking Lisa Frank notebook. Her colorful approach to the law of attraction feels so good to witness. She releases free weekly pep talks and guided tapping/EFT exercises on her YouTube Channel. If you’ve never tried tapping, its a simple yet powerful way to practice cleansing your energy and writing a new script.
Sensual Movement led by Me <3
Sensual movement is an anchor in my spiritual practice and has been since before I ever had the language for it. I’ve crafted a deeply intentional and nourishing 21 minute movement ritual for grounding, getting out of the mind and into the body, and nourishing yourself from within. It is set on the shore of Kailua beach in Hawaii and features the music of some incredible artists to whom I am so grateful. Its also on sale this week for 25% off.
Guidance from Louise Hay
Louise Hay was a revolutionary speaker and author whose teachings continue to spread nourishment and wellness throughout the land. Jlo even referenced her as a spiritual guide who changed her life in her recent interview with Oprah.
Listen to her speak on Overcoming Fear.
Wild Dancing
Its no secret that music and dance is my life. Moving my emotions through my body through wild dance and claiming my pleasure keeps me sane on the daily. After a few days of having a quarantine dance party for one, a few sister goddesses encouraged me to create an experience where we could virtually dance together in sisterhood. Thus, everyday this week I’ve been hosting a Virtual Quarantine Carnival and it has been giving me life. Its so wonderful to dance with Goddesses and feeling our collective energy shift. Everyday through Saturday we will be gathering at 1pm PST to dance it out for Free.
Entrepreneurial Guidance from Rachel Rodgers
I’m so grateful for thought leaders like this absolute BOSS Rachel Rodgers who I am currently learning from. Her feminist perspective, realness, and goal to inspire every woman she meets to become a millionaire drew me to her instantly. If you’re an entrepreneur or artist, listen to her episode on “How to Thrive As a Small Business Owner in the Time of Coronavirus”.
Hemp Oil
Some of you have heard me share stories of how CBD/ hemp oil has had a huge impact on my life over the past year. Taking PrimeMyBody’s Focus blend in the daytime and their Calm formula in the night has helped me to stay grounded and in my body, alleviate my anxiety and helped me sleep deeply. I am also a affiliate so feel free to ask me any questions about it!
Animated Inspirational Videos by Abraham Hicks
I have been listening to Abraham for years now and I especially like to listen to her first thing in the morning before I let in my own early morning anxious thoughts. Once these animate videos started coming out, it took things to a whole new level! Abraham is an entity channeled by Esther Hicks and while the concept may seem out there, her words resonate with me to the core of my being. I believe channeling is possible and I believe in her message so thats good enough for me!
Womb Meditation
I started practicing this meditation after crafting it to guide women via my Lunar Radiance offerings. I saw what a profound journey it was inspiring and began to practice it daily to connect to my intuitive center. This 18 minute audio recording is a recording of the meditation which invites you to anchor into the Earth, connect with the Cosmos, and tune into your intuition.
Virtual Gathering
I have already scheduled multiple gatherings with dear friends this week and it is keeping me looking forward to impending laughter and love. Amongst one group of friends we have a weekly support group for solo femmepreneurs that is so comforting especially at this time. I am also scheduled to meet with my college friends on Zoom and my close girlfriends. YAY.
On Sunday I will hold a live Womxn’s Circle in honor of the Spring Equinox that is open to all womxn.
Sending so much love to you and yours!! Stay calm, stay nourished, stay grounded.
With love,